2024年國際學生入學申請指南 Study Application Guide for International Students in 2024
- 發布時間:2024/08/02 瀏覽:
速盈平台是廣西壯族自治區人民政府批準成立,國家教育部備案的具有獨立頒發國家承認學歷文憑資格的全日製普通高等職業院校,速盈是由香港人士何厚煌博士和區壽本博士依托英美豐富的教育資源創辦起來的。創辦人借鑒已有的辦學經驗, 繼創辦廣東培正學院後🖌,又以高起點高標準建立一所獨具特色的國際化品牌大學🩸。
速盈占地面積800畝👨💼,是一所“中西合壁、現代典雅🧑🏿🏭、 科學合理🎏🙆🏻、環境優美”的新校園。目前速盈設有互聯網營銷學院👷🏽♀️、康養護理學院🏊🏼♂️、藝術工程學院👩👧👧、財經管理學院、外國語學院🙍🏿♀️、國際學院🤽🏿♂️、軍人教育學院七個二級學院。開設有國際商務👩🏻💻、酒店管理與數字化運營👯、工程造價、播音與主持等28個熱門專業+五個特色專業方向,覆蓋工學⏲、管理🛅、金融、藝術📓、康養等學科👩🏿🚀。
辦學以來3️⃣🚴🏿♂️,速盈平台秉承“誠實🧶👩🏻🦱、勤奮、創新”的校訓,明確培養“專業 + 英語”雙技能 人才的辦學定位,以“立足廣西,面向全國🍓,走向世界”為發展思路,堅持按國際標準建校◽️, 用世界眼光辦學,堅持以就業為導向🚗,我們將為繁榮廣西現代商貿事業,中國—東盟自由貿易區建設,助推“一帶一路”戰略目標的實現做出應有的貢獻。
費用類型 |
收費標準 |
學費 |
9600元/人 |
住宿費 |
8000元/人/年(單人間) |
4400元/人/年(雙人間) |
2400元/人/年(四人間) |
速盈特色獎學金 |
2880元/人 |
課本費 |
約500元/人 |
保險費 |
800元/人 |
1. 給予每生學費總額30%的速盈特色獎學金,分兩次發放🙅🏽,第一學期結束發放15%(1440元),第二學期發放余下的15%(1440元)🈴。
2. 課本費由速盈教務處統一訂購教材,采取現場結算的方式,按所有學科書目的總價🍖,現場向國際學生收取實際課本費用。
1. 全本護照掃描件
2. 白底彩色2寸免冠證件照
3. 高中及以上學歷畢業證、成績單,經大使館或使領館翻譯認證
4. HSK成績單掃描件(如有)
5. 無犯罪記錄證明掃描件
6. 六個月內體檢報告掃描件
7. 入學申請表
聯系電話📹:+86 0776 5669996
Guangxi Peixian International College is a full-time ordinary higher vocational college approved by the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and registered with the Ministry of Education of China, with the qualification to independently issue nationally recognized academic diplomas. The school was founded by Dr. Ho Hauwong and Dr. Au Shauboon from Hong Kong, relying on abundant educational resources from the UK and the US. Based on existing educational experiences and, after founding Guangdong Peizheng College, the founders have founded an internationally well-known institution with excellent foundation, high standards, and unique characteristics.
The College covers an area of 800 acres. It has a modern and elegant campus, which is scientifically and beautifully built with the combination of Chinese and Western elements. At present, the College has seven secondary schools: School of Internet Marketing, School of Wellness and Nursing, School of Arts and Engineering, School of Finance and Management, School of Foreign Languages, International School and School of Soldiers Education. We offer 28 popular majors including International Business, Hotel Management and Digital Operations, Engineering Cost, Broadcasting and Hosting, as well as five distinctive professional directions, covering disciplines such as engineering, management, finance, art, and wellness.
Since its establishment, the College has always adhered to its motto: Honest, Hardworking, Creative, and its running orientation of cultivating dual-skill talents, making every student proficient in English and Major; has always taken "Always be rooted in Guangxi and oriented towards the entire country and the world" as the development idea; has always adhered to international standards in its educational practices and operated with a global perspective; and has always adhered to employment orientation. We will make due contributions to the prosperity of Guangxi's modern business, the development of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, and the realization of the strategic goal of "the Belt and Road Initiative".
1. Study Program
One-year Chinese Language Program
Note: After completing the Chinese Language Program, international students can apply for degree programs at the College.
2. Study Duration
September 2024-July 2025
3. Enrollment
16 to 20 students
4. Charges
Fee Types |
Charges |
Tuition |
9600 RMB per person |
Accommodation Fee |
8000 RMB a year per person (Single Room) |
4400 RMB a year per person (Two-shared Room) |
2400 RMB a year per person (Four-shared Room) |
PeiXian Characteristic Scholarship |
2880 RMB per person |
Textbook Fee |
Around 500 RMB per person |
Insurance |
800 RMB per person |
(1) The College will provide a special scholarship worth of 30% of the total tuition fee to each student. The scholarship will be given to students in two installments. The first half of the scholarship (1440 RMB) will be given to students at the end of the first semester and the other half of the scholarship (1440 RMB) will be given to students in the second semester.
(2) Textbook fees are uniformly ordered by the College's academic affairs office and settled on-site. The actual textbook fees are charged to international students on-site based on the total price of all subject books.
5.Teaching Schedule
The academic year is divided into two semesters: the fall semester runs from September to January of the following year, and the spring semester runs from March to July.
Course Offerings: Comprehensive Chinese for Beginners👩🏿🚀,Chinese Listening for Beginners,Chinese Speaking for Beginners,Chinese Reading for Beginners,Chinese Writing for Beginners,Introduction to China,HSK Level 3 Exam Preparation,Chinese Pronunciation Techniques,Fun Courses
6.Teaching Language
Chinese and English
7. Eligibility for Application
(1) Have a certain English or Chinese foundation
(2) High school and above degree
(3) Foreign personnel at the age of 18 or above
8.Application Materials
(1) All pages of Passport
(2) Two-inch certificate photo with white background
(3) High school graduation certificate or above and transcript (translated and certified by embassy or consulate)
(4) HSK transcript (if have)
(5) No Criminal record
(6) Medical report (valid within six months) scanning part
(7) Application Form
9.Application Process
(1) Log in to the website of the International College (International Office) of Guangxi Peixian International College( /GJJLZX.html )to understand enrollment information;
(2) On the "新聞動態News" section of the International College (International Office) website, go to the "2024 International Student Admission Guide" to download the "Chinese Program Application Form for International Student" . Fill in the personal application information and prepare electronic versions of the relevant documents according to the application materials' requirements.
(3) Send the application materials to the email of the International School(international@peixianedu.cn);
(4) The International School will review the application materials provided by applicants;
(5) After approval, international students will be arranged for online interviews; After passing the interview, an admission letter will be issued.
10.Contact Us
Phone: +86 0776 5669996
Email: international@peixianedu.cn
Address: No. 12, University East Road, University Town, Pingguo City, Guangxi, China
Postal Code: 531499